Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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BOMBARDMENT AND BATTLES OF GALVESTON. From June 1, 1862, to January 1, 1863.
By S. R. Ezzell, of Capt. Daly's Company.
Air—" Auld Lang Syne."
The Yankees hate the Lone Star State, because she did se­cede ;
At Galveston they've now begun to make her soldiers bleed.
The "Old Blockade" her threats have made, that she will burn our town ;
But Col. Cook, with piercing look, declares he'll stand his ground.
High in the breeze he soon did raise the flag with single
star, Saying, " Let them come, we'll give them some, before they
are aware."' Along the coast he soon did post his batteries, well mann'd By men of might, prepared to fight, behind breast-works of
Like lions brave, their land to save, the cavalry do stand Ready to charge the Yankee barge that first attempts to
land; Infantry, too, like soldiers true, who never yet did fail, They long to greet the Yankee fleet with musketry like hail.